Speaking of Grief Doesn't Have to be Dark






Help us educate, advocate, and empower by facilitating discussion groups, workshops, masterminds, retreats, and more based on the book, Grief Talk Revolution: It's Time to Talk About the Elephant in the Room.



When supporting one who is grieving, the greatest gift you can give is the gift of compassion, care, and concern.  Yet, although meaning well, we often do just the opposite.  We say and do things that just aren’t helpful.  It isn’t our fault.  We currently live in a grief-avoidance society and a world that diminishes the need for grief education.  It’s time to turn that around.

The occasion of death will directly or indirectly affect every household and organization at some point.  What might happen if each of us took 100% responsibility for having the conversation about this inevitable event prior to its occurrence?  The saying that we do better when we know better is so applicable here.  What if we begin now to revolutionize the myths and judgmental perceptions surrounding loss and grief?  What if we become better able to personally cope with loss?  What if we know and understand why some things are not helpful to say to one who is grieving?  What if we advocate for grief education in our schools, universities, churches, and workplaces?  What if we open the discussion now so that future generations are better able to speak on the topic instead of avoiding the elephant in the room?  

With a global movement, we can educate, advocate, and empower individuals to revolutionize this integral occasion of life.  Join me in reaching, sharing, and making a difference.  If not now, then when?




One of the best ways to learn something ourselves is to teach it to others.  I’ve learned the best and worst things to say to someone grieving by actually saying all the wrong things and being corrected by the many families I served as a death care professional.  I once told a family member, “I’m sorry for your loss,” and she responded, “Don’t feel sorry for me as I am not a victim.” 

The more we talk about dying, death, loss, and grief, the better we understand and accept it.  You don’t have to know it all to lead a discussion group, mastermind, or present a workshop.  We will never know it all as we continue learning from the families that we serve.  Imagine the impact and difference you can make by sharing information based on Grief Talk Revolution: It’s Time to Talk About the Elephant in the Room with families, friends, social groups, churches, schools, or organizations.  Your compassion, care, and concern will never go unappreciated.  Contribute to your own legacy and begin helping others.


Increase your impact and influence by advocating on a subject that no one wants to talk about but EVERYONE needs to hear.  Elevate your personal and professional status by sharing this information.  Boost your own confidence by sharing in small groups or from the stage. 

Who can you help?  Think about it.  Who do you know that is exempt from experiencing the occasion of death?  If you said no one, then that leaves everyone, right.  The list is endless, but I’ll share ideas to start with:

Family and Friends, Small Business Owners, Death Care Professionals, Coaches, Financial Planners, Estate Planners, Banks, Unions, Trade Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Educational Institutions, Nurses, Physicians, Life Insurance Agents, Elder Care Law Firms, Churches, Hospice Organizations, Nonprofit Organizations, Entrepreneurs, Book Clubs, Sororities and Fraternities, Barber Shops and Hair Salons, Managers and Executives, Professional Practitioners, Federal and Local Government Agencies, Community Organizations, Military and Civilian Personnel, Life and Business Coaches, Health and Wellness Coaches, Senior Care Facilities, Insurance Agencies, Law Firms, Insurance Companies, Mental Health Professionals, Allied Medical Professionals, Hospice and Palliative Care Professionals, Fire and Rescue Personal, Emergency Medical Technicians …. everyday people just like you and me.



If you would like to join the Grief Talk Revolution Movement and share this much needed information and help others at the same time, I’ve made it quite simple for you.  I’ve created an easy-to-follow online self-directed mini course.  The Grief Talk Revolution Mini Course gives you a step-by-step guide with discussion prompts and exercises to quickly learn to facilitate discussion groups and workshops.



  • Self-Directed Modules. Immediate access to the self-directed training modules, video lessons, and resources.  Complete the course at your own pace from anywhere there is an internet connectionYou have 12-months access to the course.   I love learning and training from the waterfront … smile.
  • Instructor’s Guide. Whether you are conducting no-fee or fee-paid groups, this guide will give you suggested agenda, discussion points, lesson planners, resources, and worksheets.  Of course, using your individual experiences during your event is always beneficial.
  • Pre-Event Preparation.  To achieve the greatest success and adhere to time constraints during your event, it is suggested that your attendees read the book, Grief Talk Revolution: It’s Time to Talk About the Elephant in the Room, prior to attending your event.
  • Optional Exclusive Online Community. You have the option to join the private online community to network, share, mastermind, joint venture, and attend occasional pop-up events hosted by Dora Carpenter or a member of her team.




Program Cost: Only $47


If you want to help revolutionize the way our society acknowledges and responds to loss and grief, this might be a good fit and the right time for you!  Enhance your impact and credibility in your community or workplace; add value to your professional service offerings; create additional income; or add to your volunteer services or ministry.  Whatever reason appeals to you, be the change that you want to see and join the movement today.  Don’t hesitate because this price will not last forever.  I hope to see you at the top!

*This offer may be changed or discontinued at any time.


Don't Have the Book Yet? Get Your Copy on Amazon.

Sample Course Content


"I feel as though I've buried as many hopes and dreams in the cemetery as bodies and cremated remains.  This is sad.  I believe the more we talk about loss, death, and grief, the better we are able to live and appreciate a fulfilled life." -- Dora Carpenter


As Founder of the Institute of Professional Grief Coaching (IOPGC), Dora Carpenter blends her years of experience working with hundreds of families in the death care industry and her personal experiences with loss and grief to coach, train, and certify grief coaches. She says that grief is not to be fixed or cured but is a necessary part of the experience of transitioning from a place of despair to one of hope. Her mission is to help individuals move from pain to peace, heartbreak to happiness, and grief to gratitude in the shortest time possible.

Coach Dora is a certified professional coach, author, speaker, and former licensed Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway® trainer. As Founder of the International Coaching Federation (ICF)-accredited From Grief to Gratitude Coach Certification Program, Dora Carpenter has been recognized as a luminary in the field of grief coach training and certification.  One of her recent books, Grief Talk Revolution: It’s Time to Talk About the Elephant in the Room, has been endorsed by Jack Canfield, Co-Creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series.  Dora Carpenter also serves on the faculty of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization’s Webinar Series.

 A native Washingtonian, Strayer University graduate, mother, and grandmother, Dora resides in Washington, D.C. Currently practicing retirement, Coach Dora says that her purpose on this earth includes service to others, compassion, and love.


You Can Make a Difference


“It’s insane when you really think about it that we give months off for maternity and paternity leave but not for the death of a family member.”

−JACK CANFIELD, Co-Author of the Bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul™ Series



 If interested in our grief coach certification programs, visit our website here.


Disclaimer:  The Grief Talk Revolution: It’s Time to Talk About the Elephant in the Room and Grief Talk Revolution Mini Course are intended to offer information, tools, encouragement, and support. It is not a substitute for the advice, diagnosis, or treatment of professional counseling, therapy, or mental health services. The information contained herein is not based on a conceptual, intellectual, or theological perspective. The book, author, courses, Institute of Professional Grief Coaching, From Grief to Gratitude Coaching Program, and From Grief to Gratitude Coach Certification Program do not imply, infer, or attempt to fix, heal, or cure grief; and do not imply or provide professional counseling or therapy. If you are experiencing serious suicidal thoughts that you cannot control, please call or text 988 for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline or go to http://988lifeline.org.