Self-Directed Online Grief Coach Certification Program | Silver Program
The original From Grief to Gratitude Coach Certification Program facilitated live via Zoom is now available online. Work through personal unresolved grief, learn to support others, and become a Certified Grief Coach from the comfort of your home or office and on your own schedule. Program is accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
Death is an equal opportunity event that will directly or indirectly affect every individual, community, or organization at some point. The more we know about grief, what it is, and why we grieve, the better we are able to deal with the inevitable occasion of loss. We don’t treat, fix, or cure grief. We do educate and support on this sensitive experience that is unique to each of us.
A Message from Our Founder
  As a From Grief to Gratitude Certified Coach, you will have the knowledge, skills, resources, and confidence to coach clients through the transformative process of handling the painful emotions of losing a loved one, getting on top of their grief, and moving forward in life with meaning and purpose in the shortest time possible.
This is the self-directed online version of the original From Grief to Gratitude Coach Certification Program facilitated live via Zoom. This online program is accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) for 14 Continuing Coach Education (CCE) hours. Program includes video, text, and audio content and downloadable workbook and resources/tool kit. There is no specified time to complete the 7 modules and 31 lessons. Join your private online community to share and network with other students. For certification, you must complete the pre-certification assessment with a passing score of at least 80%.Â
Who is the From Grief to Gratitude Coach Certification Program for?
Individuals desiring to work through any personal unresolved grief while learning to support others. Working through the exercises and tools, students often find hidden skeletons or grief-related blocks.
Entrepreneurs desiring to fulfill a purpose or passion of helping others and making a difference. Wake up knowing that you are helping someone move from pain to peace, heartbreak to happiness, and grief to gratitude.
Coaches desiring to add to their current service offerings. Don’t have your clients take a break, or even lose them, when a death occurs. Learn to continue the coaching relationship as you coach them through their grief.
Small businesses, non-profits, churches, and more desiring to sponsor an employee or team. Having an inhouse certified grief coach on staff can ensure sensitivity and compassion for the whole team when loss crosses the threshold of your office.
Organizations desiring to create a grief-informed and grief-sensitive workplace culture. Do you know how grief affects morale, retention, and the financial costs to your bottom line? Learn the benefits of exhibiting compassion and concern at every level of your organization.
Anyone desiring to learn more about the misunderstood and often avoided topics of death, loss, and grief. This is a subject that is misunderstood and often avoided. The subject that no one wants to talk about, but everyone needs to hear. It’s time to talk about the elephant in the room and you can make a difference.
"I wanted to say thank you for putting such a quality online program together. I have taken several online coaching certification courses over the past ten years and this one was the best!"
"I really enjoyed learning more about me and grief responses. I have a Doctorate degree in Counseling Psychology and no matter how much information I had about grief responses, when my mother passed away last year, I was unable to access emotional tools for healing for myself. In addition to learning how to help others, I am able to identify and tap into my areas of stuckness. Thank you Ms. Dora for everything."
"When I started this program, my gut was screaming I had to do it, and do it right away. I posted earlier this week that I finished my certification. This morning, I was notified by my brother that his melanoma is back, and it has metastasized in his lungs and other areas of the body. We both are Nurses, and we both know this a very grim prognosis. I would have never imagined that this new Grief coach took this program to help myself process through my own grief. Had it not been for this program, I would be a mess right now. In this moment, I understand that my studies will directly help my own family during this difficult fight. I couldn’t understand the feeling of a literal push to this, but I know it was my Momma guiding me. I know she wants me to help her Baby on his journey home. Thank you Dora for this program, as it has helped more than I can verbalize."Â
“Training was phenomenal! I'm a trained social worker and trained mental health therapist. However this training taught me soooo much more. I will truly be able to provide wraparound services now that aren't placed in a box. Thank you for all that you do and what a blessing you are.”
"I so enjoyed this program.  While I did the self-paced Silver Program, I found it very clear and easy to follow.  Dora’s honest and down to earth style of teaching made me feel that I too could skillfully hold space for others in their grief. I already work as a facilitator of a grief yoga therapy program so I have some experience working with grief.  However, this program added so many additional tools to my toolkit and I can see how to incorporate them with my clients for even deeper healing. Many thanks for a beautiful program."
"I was thoroughly satisfied with the program. It provided me with substantial learning and additional knowledge that will serve me well as a Grief to Gratitude Coach. The workbook and toolkit were also exceptional. I must now review all the materials and prepare for the subsequent steps. Should there be any additional materials that could assist me as I begin, please share them with me."
Module 1
Orientation: Foundations of Coaching Clients Through Grief
You will have an increased understanding and awareness of the emotional effects of grief to better understand and support clients through the grief process and beyond. Â
Module 2
Giving Clients Permission to Grieve
You will have the knowledge, skills and resources to coach clients through the grieving process and provide guidance and support to help them understand and acknowledge their emotions.
Module 3
Supporting Clients to Remember to Honor the Life and Legacy
You will have the knowledge, skills and resources to coach clients through accepting the death and getting on top of their grief by remembering and honoring the life.
Module 4
Guiding Clients to Incorporate New Traditions into Old Traditions
You will have the knowledge, skills and resources to coach clients through creating renewed attitudes, behaviors, and perspectives resulting in transformation awareness and actions.
Module 5
Encouraging Clients to Find Meaning and Purpose Going Forward
You will have the knowledge, skills and resources to coach clients through embracing the perspective that their life matters and encouraging them to renew purpose, meaning, and happiness.
Module 6
Championing Clients to Find Gratitude in the Gift of Now
You will have the knowledge, skills and resources to coach clients through developing the blueprint for a successful journey to a place of peace, love, and gratitude.
Module 7
Creating a Grief-Sensitive and Grief-Informed Workplace Culture
You will understand how the normal, although challenging, impacts of grief affect the workplace. Become aware of how the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual grief-related emotions affect job performance, morale, and loss of grief-related company revenue.

Your Course Facilitator
Dora Carpenter is a founder, coach, trainer, author, and speaker at the Institute of Professional Grief Coaching and From Grief to Gratitude Coach Certification Program, an accredited program by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). She has over 20 years of experience in the death care industry providing grief support services for individuals and organizations. She founded the From Grief to Gratitude Coach Certification Program and has trained and certified grief coaches around the globe. Coach Dora is a luminary in the grief coaching profession.
With her background in entrepreneurship, death care, and personal loss, Dora Carpenter offers an empathetic, hope-filled, and transformative approach to partnering with clients through life transitions, grief, and fear. She is passionate about helping people honor and remember their loved ones, understand and acknowledge their emotions, create renewed attitudes and perspectives, and embrace purpose and happiness in their lives. She is a certified professional coach, formerly licensed Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway® trainer, and faculty member, webinar series, National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO). She has been recognized as a professional in her field by the National Association of Distinguished Professionals and featured in many media outlets.
Are you ready to turn your passion for helping others into a meaningful career? Don’t wait for the new year to start transforming lives—including your own! Our ICF-accredited Grief Coach Certification Program offers everything you need to become a trusted grief coach, equipped with the tools, training, and credibility to make a lasting impact.
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I AM READY TO BEGIN MY PROGRAM!Grief is the journey. Gratitude is the destination.®
SEE ALL IOPGC GRIEF COACH CERTIFICATION PROGRAM OPTIONSDisclaimer: Our programs are not based on a conceptual, intellectual, or theological perspective. The program, its instructor(s), and coaches provide education and support. We do not imply, infer, or attempt to fix, heal, or cure grief and do not imply or provide professional counseling or therapy. If you are experiencing serious suicidal thoughts that you cannot control, please call or text 988 for the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline atÂ
ICF Disclaimer: The From Grief to Gratitude Coach Certification Program is accredited by the International Coaching Federation to offer Continuing Coach Education (CCE) hours. The program does not credential you as an ICF (ACC, PCC, MCC) coach. Please see the ICF website for coach credentialing requirements at
What our graduate coaches have said . . .

"Hello Ms. Dora, Wow! I'm on module 3 of your grief coaching certification program, and I felt compelled to send you a message letting you know how much I LOVE it! Wow! You have done a phenomenal job on this. My 18-year-old son, Joseph died suddenly due to bacterial meningitis while away at college in 2019. It was very sudden. He woke up with what he thought was the flu and he died later that same day. I did not even get to see or talk with him before he died. It is my dream to help other people on their journey through loss. Thank you for creating this program."

"The From Grief to Gratitude Coach Certification Program was an answer to my prayers. I was looking for a way to learn how best to help others navigate their grief and this program was the perfect fit for me. Because it does not follow any religious doctrine I am able to use the tools I've learned with any client I come across. This program offers the perfect combination of structure and freedom in recognition of the fact that everyone goes through grief in their own unique way. "

"Dora Carpenter and her “from grief to gratitude” program offers a methodology for approaching grief in a way that both gives one both permission to grieve and permission to move forward to a life without the loved one. The training is also beneficial to a coach trainee who has experienced loss as Dora and all the trainees, as part of the educational process, provide space for co-trainees to express/process their grief and to create a legacy out of their pain."

"This program From Grief to Gratitude took me from Zero knowledge about grieving to being confident of sharing and discussing grieving to the public in my culture which still find this topic a taboo and no one should talk about. Dora is knowledgeable, experienced and very supportive. Thank you, I’m so grateful! I can’t wait to share my knowledge with my community to raise awareness of understanding all types of grieving."